Thursday, February 21, 2013

FTL: What Lurks in Space (pt. 2)

Last time we introduced Subset Game's FTL. Today we are going to talk about taking your first faster-than-light jump and what to watch out for when you are exploring a sector.

Nothing Suits One Bold Step Like Another

It's more about the journey
Although your goal is to get to the end of each sector, it's important to visit as many systems before leaving the sector. I recommend turning on the "Show beacon paths on hover" option in the options menu right away - this displays which FTL paths are available between any systems when you hover over them in the map. At the beginning of each sector take a few seconds to plot your route through the sector, hitting as many systems as possible while remaining ahead of the pursuing Rebellion. By default you can only see stores and distress beacons when you are within 1 jump of them, and you can see nebulae anywhere on the sector map, but by taking advantage of scanning systems and advanced sensor augmentations for your ship you can be forewarned about some other navigational hazards as well. Here's a quick list of things to watch out for:

 The Dangers of Space

  • Ion Storms - these lower the power output of your (and any enemy ships') reactor by half and are extremely dangerous. I recommend avoiding these if at all possible as they can be extremely punitive. This hazard only occur in nebula systems.

  • Solar Disturbances - these occasionally begin fires on and damage the hulls of any ships in the vicinity. Shields reduce the effect. Although less dangerous than an ion storm, take all due precautions when visiting a system experiencing solar disturbances, as losing atmosphere, shields, or door control can cause the fires to quickly destroy your ship.

  • Asteroid Fields - while navigating an asteroid belt, any ships will be periodically pelted by asteroids which will be absorbed by shields. As long as your shield systems remain online, asteroid fields are relatively innocuous, but if your shields are taken down by enemy action the asteroids will rapidly obliterate your whole and all other systems and cause you to explode. Take out enemy shields and let the asteroids work for you but guard your own shield room carefully.

  • Nebulae - while navigating through these systems, your ships sensors are disabled, but the Rebel fleet will pursue you at half the normal speed (or three-fourths normal speed in nebula sectors.) This has the obvious benefit of letting you visit twice as many nebula systems as non-nebula, and so it is often a good idea to work nebulae into your route through the sector. 
  • Distress Beacon - distress beacons will always have some sort of event, and are usually a good idea to visit. The events can be harmful, positive, or benign and are not more or less likely to help than a regular star system, but there is guaranteed to be a chance to gain an advantage. Only avoid these if your hull is already critical.
  • Shops - shops are helpful space stations where you can always repair your ship and replenish consumables such as fuel, missiles, and drones. In addition, shops will have a random variety of weapons, ship enhancements, crew members for hire, drone schematics, and ship system installations for purchase. When planning to visit a shop, keep in mind that the cheapest item for purchase will be a crew member at 40 scrap; most weapons and ship enhancements cost at least 75 scrap. If you have less than 40 scrap, try not to visit the shop until you have jumped to a couple nearby systems so that you can save up enough scrap to make a purchase. If your ship needs fuel or repairs, on the other hand, you can visit it as soon as you feel it is necessary. You can never have enough fuel - if you have less than 20, you should buy as much as you can afford, after any other important purchases are made; you never know when the opportunity will arise again. Another important thing to keep in mind is that all shop consumables and repairs increase in cost as you advance to further sectors, but all ship enhancements, crew members, weapons, and drone schematics keep a static price. Choose your upgrades carefully and try to have a plan befitting your ship. You will not have enough scrap to buy everything, so buy what you need.
One more thing to keep in mind as you explore the sector - fuel is valuable, and you should try to avoid jumping to a system you have already explored. Nothing new happens in a system after you have already explored it once, so with the exception of an emergency visit to a shop you have already jumped to, you should avoid ever jumping to the same system twice.

Join us next time for more FTL tips!

If FTL sounds like fun, you can purchase it directly from the developers with no DRM here. Support independent developers and have fun with an outstanding game!

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